At this time each year we write a column on the Federal Government’s Annual Budget and the opportunities it may provide to our Members.
This year, things are different, COVID-19 is in our midst, and the Budget will not be handed down until October.
Many of our Members are on the front lines, looking after our health and caring for and teaching our children, things are tough and worrisome. Some of our Members have lost jobs, and are extremely concerned about how they will make ends meet. With family members working on the front line and an elderly mother, I am constantly checking in to make sure they are ok.
It is times like these our values are tested and we are proud that we live up to them. The Bank’s values are:
- We care - and our people are here to help you
- We learn and grow - many of our staff have adapted to be able to work from home so they can still be there for our Members
- We empower - our people working under tough conditions are discovering new ways to serve you
- We do it for the customer - we are there in branch, on a phone or just a screen away
Humans are resilient, we will get through this and come out the other side.
Just remember, look after yourselves, stay safe and your bank, our bank, my bank is there to support you. If you have any concerns about your financial matters, please give us a call. Hope the following lightens your day.
Jo Dawson