We often see an increase in lost or damaged cards during the festive season. If it happens to you, don’t panic. The easiest way to view, lock and order replacement cards is via our Mobile Banking App.

All of the below steps require you to firstly:

  1. Login to the Mobile Banking App
  2. Select Cards
  3. Swipe to find your Card


Try locking your card while you look for it. If it’s found, you can simply unlock your card and continue using it.

  • Tap on Lock Card
  • A success message will appear confirming your card will be locked from all purchases and withdrawals.

To unlock your card, simply tap Unlock Card and a success message will appear confirming the card has been unlocked and you can make purchases and withdrawals.

Lost, stolen or damaged

In this situation, it’s important to cancel your card and order a replacement.

  • Select Need help with your card?
  • Select ‘Lost your card’, ‘Card been stolen’ or ‘Damaged your card’ and follow the prompts.
  • Select if you would like a replacement card.
  • Your card will be stopped immediately.

Please note that cards held by additional card holders will be locked or cancelled where relevant.


A lost or stolen card can also be stopped at any time within your Mobile Banking App. If you lose your card overseas call LiveChat or contact Visa Global Assistance.